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Sample Teacher Survey Questions

These sample teacher survey questions from the Louisiana Charter School Association are a great place to start with building your teacher survey.

Use the sample questions below -- or in the PDF -- as a starting place to create questions relevant to your organization's unique policies or culture.

It's recommended that you ask respondents to respond to each question with: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree.

  • I know what is expected of me to do my job well each day.
  • I have the resources and materials I need to do an excellent job.
  • My supervisor cares about me as a person.
  • I feel supported in my role.
  • The leadership team members model the school's values and the expectations for
    staff and students consistently.
  • I feel by working at this school I am getting better at my job.
  • The professional development I have received is effective in helping me get better at
    my role.
  • Even on my hardest days, I feel like this school is the right place for me to work.
  • Internal communication allows us to effectively and efficiently do our work.
  • I feel like my opinions matter at this school.
  • The school-wide rules, routines, and procedures are effective in establishing the
    desired culture for the school.
  • Roles and responsibilities are clear among staff at this school.
  • I know how I am evaluated in my role and what my current performance is.
  • I would recommend this school as a wonderful place to work.
  • I am satisfied with the benefits offered and think that the pay is fair and reasonable.

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