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Open Meeting Law Pop Quiz

How to use this document

Distribute to the full board once a year. You could pass it out at a board meeting. Ask trustees and senior staff to complete it on the spot. Then, tally the results and discuss.

Ideally, you would have copies of the open meeting law on hand and together you could double-check your answers.

You could also ask your legal counsel to give you an “answer key” prior to asking the full board to complete this exercise.


To do this:



Don’t Know

1.     Does your state have an open meeting law?




2.     Does your open meeting law allow board meetings to be held virtually?




3.     Does your open meeting law permit board members to vote virtually?




4.     Does your open meeting law apply to committee meetings?




5.     Do you know the requirements for giving notice of public meetings—where to post and how far in advance?




6.     Does your law require you to post committee meetings?




7.     Does your law require you to take minutes in a particular way?




8.     Do you understand under what circumstances your board can go into executive session?




9.     Do you review the open meeting law as a group annually?




10.  Does the board's legal counsel review your compliance with the open meeting law annually?




11.  Does the board secretary review open meeting law compliance monthly?





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