Did you know that funding assistance is available to help your board obtain the training and expertise it needs?
The Idaho Legislature has appropriated $6,600 per school district or charter school to be used specifically for board, superintendent, and charter school administrator training.
BoardOnTrack is approved by the Idaho State Board of Education as a qualified governance trainer in the areas of strategic planning, charter school administrator evaluations, and ethics and governance.
As a trainer qualified by the Idaho State Board of Ed.,the funding involved in this program can be allocated to the services we provide in the areas approved.
The on-demand training, expert guidance, and online governance platform built into BoardOnTrack membership aligns quite well with the recommended professional development plans.
When working with the state on reimbursement for your BoardOnTrack membership fees, it’s recommended that you send along your most recent BoardOnTrack membership as well as evidence that the training your board has received through your membership is in the areas identified in the statute as eligible for reimbursement.
If your board participates in on-demand or live trainings with us throughout the year, simply keep a record of which sessions -- with dates and topics -- to ease this process. Taking a look back through your BoardOnTrack calendar can also help, as our [past and upcoming] live BoardOnTrack training sessions will appear there.
For complete guidance, please consult the current fiscal year Continuous Improvement Reimbursement Request provided by the Idaho State Department of Education. Or contact Julie Oberle, in the office of Public School Finance for the Idaho State Department of Education.