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Board Policy Guidelines: When is a New Policy Needed?

What key policies should a board have to ensure effective governance?

Committees, the board chair, the CEO, staff, parents, and students can all recognize the need for and initiate the creation of a new organizational policy.

Charter school boards might consider developing a new policy for the following situations:

  • Issues arise that are not adequately/acceptably addressed by current board policies.
  • Changes in operating practices have evolved over time so that the written policies do no reflect the current reality.
  • External changes and trends have an impact on the charter school and the families being served—for example, shifting demographics at the school have brought new issues forward.
  • The charter school has changed in size, scope, services offered, or method of service delivery.
  • Changes to federal and state laws may prompt adjustments in policy—for example, changes in wage and hour laws, equal employment, safety, provisions of the applicable state charter school legislation, etc.
  • Current policy does not adequately reduce ambiguity and ensure uniformity of decisions across the charter school.

Download our New Policy Checklist below. 


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