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Sample Job Description: Development Committee

General Purpose

The Development Committee is commissioned by and responsible to the board of trustees to assume the primary responsibility for raising non-grant funds to support the organization’s mission. This committee ensures that the organization has sufficient funding to support the growth and expansion of the organization is critical to long-term sustainability.

Appointments and Composition

Appointments of the chair and members of the Development Committee shall be made annually by the chair of the board with the advice and consent of the board in accordance with the bylaws.

The chair of this committee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.

Members of this committee shall be members of the board of trustees, subject to the conditions stated in the bylaws.

Additional committee members may be appointed and need not be members of the Board of Trustees.


The Development Committee has the following primary functions within the organization:

  • Develop annual and multi-year fundraising plans that will generate the funds needed to meet the non-public and non-grant fundraising goal.
  • Coordinate the implementation of the fundraising plan with fundraising efforts by senior staff, parents, and other volunteers.
  • Develop the necessary sub-committee systems to successfully carry out the fundraising events and activities that are part of the annual fundraising plan; supervise the functions of the sub-committees.
  • Develop a plan for involving all board members in the non-grant resource development activities of the organization.
  • Arrange for board training on development issues, as needed.
  • Create specific, measurable, board-level goals for the year as part of the full board planning process.
  • Report to the board of trustees at its regular meetings in a manner determined by the board.
  • Annually evaluate its work as a committee and the objectives it has committed itself to, and report on the same to the board of trustees


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