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Sample 12-Month CEO Evaluation and Support Timeline

Specific months/timing are suggestions and should be modified to work for your organization.

1st Quarter


  • At the Board’s annual meeting, confirm committee membership and committee chair for upcoming school year

    Note: If you don’t have a CEO Evaluation Committee yet, this is a great time to form one
  • Pick a CEO evaluation lead

    Note: generally, we recommend someone other than the board chair
  • Review and, if needed, revise CEO Job Description
  • Committee and CEO align-on additional data points to be collected and measured during the end-of-year CEO Evaluation.  
    • Performance against agreed-upon goals
    • Stakeholder feedback (e.g., parent, student, and teacher satisfaction surveys)
    • Academic, organizational, and financial performance data
  • Collaborate with CEO to define CEO’s Annual Goals



    • Board approves the CEO’s Annual Goals
  • Note: Ideally, this happens in conjunction with the Board approving its own annual goals, so the work of the Board and the CEO are well-aligned.
  • Establish / reaffirm your CEO Evaluation timeline
  • Set dates for quarterly progress-against goals check-ins, (recommended: September/October, December, March)



  • 1st Quarterly Check-in: Progress against CEO goals
    • Note: depending on your school-year it may make more sense to do the first check-in in Oct, when there’s more data and information available.


2nd Quarter


  • Committee reports to Board about Q1 check-in
    • Discuss and process any changes, action steps, supports, etc., that need to be put in place


    • Committee plans 2nd Quarterly CEO check-in conversation
  • Review any supporting data and/or feedback in preparation.
  • Note: some organizations like to do a more formal Q2 check-in, to include a mid-year CEO Self-Evaluation. 


  • 2nd Quarterly Check-in on CEO Goals.  
    • Note: this is generally a more-structured mid-point check-in so the Board and CEO can flag any challenges and/or concerns and course-correct if need-be.

3rd Quarter


  • Committee reports to Board about Q2 check-in
    • Discuss and process any changes, action steps, supports, etc., that need to be put in place


  • No meeting


  • 3rd Quarterly Check-in on CEO goals


4th Quarter


  • Committee reports to Board about Q3 check-in
    • Discuss and process any changes, action steps, supports, etc., that need to be put in place
  • Committee plans for the end-of-year CEO Evaluation. May include:
    • Review timeline and process steps
    • Training for any new board members
    • Refresher for all board members
    • Discussion of any survey customizations required
  • If applicable, ensure that stakeholders surveys are administered by school staff



  • CEO Prepares for the Evaluation
    • Completes the self-evaluation
    • Gathers & provides supplemental evidence or documentation
  • Committee Conducts end-of-year CEO Evaluation
    • Committee shares the CEO’s self-evaluation with the Board
    • Board completes the CEO evaluation 
    • Direct reports complete the CEO evaluation 


  • Finish the CEO Evaluation
    • Committee shares Evaluation results with Board
    • Committee drafts summary memo of Evaluation process
    • Committee reviews the memo and Evaluation details with the Board
    • Committee and CEO meet to review memo -- note: this may be with the full committee, or the Board Chair and CEO Evaluation lead. 
  • If applicable, incorporate and feedback from the CEO and finalize the memo. 
  • Board approves the final summary memo
  • CEO and committee collaborate to create a CEO development plan for the year. May include:
    • Specific personal/professional development goals or activities
    • Requests for additional support from the Board 
    • Commitments to strengthen the Board <> CEO partnership





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