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The CEO's Role in Board Governance

To create and maintain an effective charter school board, a CEO will need to devote a significant amount of their time to governance-related issues. This could be 30–40% of their job.

The most common CEO governance tasks include:

  • Create board meeting agendas with board chair
  • Coordinate board meeting materials
  • Design committee meeting agendas with committee chairs
  • Assist in preparing committee meeting materials
  • Follow-up with trustees on individual tasks
  • Train senior staff that are supporting board committees and monitor their interactions with the board
  • Meet with trustees one-on-one to educate them about the organization and to find ways to use their networks and skills
  • Strategize about ways to keep the board informed about key issues facing the organization
  • Conduct board education on key charter issues
  • Assist in new trustee recruitment
  • Assist in succession planning for officers

Most charter school CEOs face a steep learning curve with regards to governance. Most people who step forward to run a charter school have little or no governance experience. And most underestimate how much of their time will need to be devoted to governance issues.


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