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Academic Excellence Committee Job Description

General Purpose

The Academic Excellence Committee is commissioned by and responsible to the Board of Trustees to assume the primary responsibility for working with the CEO to define academic excellence, ensure that all board members know the charter promises that were made to the community and the authorizer and to devise clear and consistent measures to monitor these goals.

Appointments and Composition

  1. Appointments of the chair and members of the Academic Excellence Committee shall be made annually by the chair of the Board with the advice and consent of the Board and the CEO and in accordance with the bylaws.
  2. The chair of this committee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees.
  3. Members of this committee shall be members of the Board of Trustees, subject to the conditions stated in the bylaws. Additional committee members may be appointed and need not be members of the Board of Trustees.


It is important to note that this is a governance function, not a management function, and it is anticipated that the CEO will have a great deal of input into the work and composition of this committee. The committee’s main role is to assure that academic excellence is defined, and that the board approves annual goals to attain academic excellence.

  1. Define and continue to refine what academic excellence means for our charter school.
  2. Ensure that all board members understand the key charter promises we have made to our community and to our authorizer.
  3. Work with the CEO to devise clear and consistent ways to measure progress towards stated goals.
  4. Work with the CEO to set annual academic achievement goals, to be presented to and approved by the full board.
  5. Work with the CEO to share with the board annual successes, barriers to reaching academic excellence, and strategies to overcome these barriers.
  6. Arrange for Board training on issues related to academic oversight and academic achievement, as needed.
  7. Create specific measurable board-level goals for the year as part of the full board planning process.
  8. Report to the Board of Trustees at regular meetings of the Board in a manner determined by the Board.
  9. Annually evaluate its work as a committee and the objectives it has committed itself to and report on same to the Board of Trustees.


Members of this committee do not need to have an academic background. In fact, our experience has shown that the best academic excellence committee members are those who are very analytical, are great at digesting data and asking good questions and DO NOT have an academic background.


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