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Nominating: Sample Trustee Nominating Policy

Do you need a new trustee nominating policy and procedure?  Use this sample nominating policy to establish your board's policy for nominating new trustees to your board. You can copy the text into your own document; or download a PDF of this sample policy to share with your board.

The Governance Committee of the board takes the lead in finding and recruiting new trustees to the board of trustees.

The Committee will look to all members of the Board of Trustees to participate in recruiting new trustees.

The process for nominating and approving new trustees is as follows:

  1. Annually, the Governance Committee conducts a skills inventory of the board of trustees and develops a prioritized list of needs that is approved by the full board.
  2. Potential candidates are recommended to the Governance Committee.
  3. A member of the Governance Committee conducts an initial phone screening to explore the background and qualifications of the potential trustee.

  4. If the potential trustee seems likely to be a good fit for the board or a board committee, he or she is invited to the school to meet a trustee and the CEO and to participate in a lengthier in-person interview. At this point, the candidate is given written committee and/or trustee job descriptions and expectations; and is questioned about his or her ability to comply with all requirements.

  5. If the candidate remains a fit for a committee or the board, he or she is invited to attend the next scheduled trustees meeting. The candidate is also asked to forward a copy of his or her résumé to the Governance Committee.

  6. The potential trustee’s résumé is forwarded to all Board of Trustee members in advance of the meeting that the potential trustee is planning to attend.

  7. When the potential trustee attends the board of trustees meeting, he or she is given a copy of the following documents:
  • [Your School] application
  • [Your School] trustee job description
  • [Your School] Board of Trustees committee job descriptions
  • [Your School] Board of Trustees meeting minutes from the past calendar year
  • If the potential trustee continues to be interested in joining the board after he or she attends a meeting, and the Governance Committee finds that the candidate shares philosophical alignment with the mission of THB Charter School and possesses useful capacities for the board, the Governance Committee will recommend to the full board of trustees that the candidate begin a six-month trial period serving as a non-board member on a committee.

  • At the conclusion of this six-month trial period, the Governance Committee determines whether the candidate should remain on the committee or be nominated to the full board.

  • If nominated to the full board, the board of trustees will vote to accept or reject the approval of the new trustee.

  • Once a new trustee is approved, he or she will be provided an orientation and be requested to complete all necessary paperwork for our charter school authorizer.


  • Our ideal process is that candidates serve a trial period prior to being nominated to the full board, but from time to time the governance committee may make exceptions to this.

  • It is our intention that our CEO will play an active role in board recruitment and will have veto power over the nomination of any trustee.


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