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CEO Support & Evaluation Committee Job Description

General Purpose

The CEO Support and Evaluation Committee is commissioned by and responsible to the board of trustees to assume the primary responsibility for developing and implementing a year‐round process to strengthen the board’s support, evaluation, and partnership with the organization’s CEO.

Appointments and Composition

1. Appointments of the chair and members of the committee shall be made annually by the chair of the board with the advice and consent of the board in accordance with the bylaws.

2. The chair of this committee shall be a member of the board of trustees.

3. Members of this committee shall be members of the board of trustees, subject to the conditions stated in the bylaws.

4. It is anticipated that the committee will be primarily comprised of the primary committee chairs and/or other officers of the board.


1. Develop an annual timeline to support and evaluate the CEO, and have this timeline approved by the full board.

2. Annually review and revise as necessary the CEO’s job description.

3. Establish a process for the CEO to develop, share, and receive board approval of a set of annual organizational goals.

4. In partnership with the CEO, establish a clear and consistent way for the CEO to report to the full board regularly on progress towards the board-approved annual goals.

5. Annually create a survey instrument and process to conduct two structured check-ins between the full board and the CEO.  It is anticipated that these will occur in November and March and will involve the CEO completing a self-evaluation and surveying the full board.

6. Annually implement a comprehensive CEO evaluation that includes a CEO self-evaluation, input from the full board, and anonymous input from the CEO’s direct reports.

7. Annually prepare or revise the CEO’s contract as necessary.

8. Annually recommend CEO compensation adjustments to the full board, as appropriate.

9. Create specific, measurable, board-level goals for the year as part of the full board planning process.

10. Report to the board of trustees at regular meetings of the board in a manner determined by the board.

11. Annually evaluate its work as a committee and the objectives it has committed itself to, and report on the same to the board of trustees.


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