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Interviewing: Board Candidate Interview Process

Finding -- and selecting -- the right trustee candidates takes more than smart recruiting. It also takes a strategic, consistent interview process.

A strong interview process will help you determine if the prospective board member and your organization are a good match.

  1. Review your organization’s history, mission, results to date, and any other proof points.

  2. Describe the recruitment process clearly and carefully. Specifically:

    This is a preliminary interview to determine if there is mutual interest and a good match between
    the individual's skills and needs and the organization's needs.

    You wish to identify skilled individuals who might wish to become involved in the organization now
    and in the future - as committee members, special project volunteers, and board members.

    You are conducting many interviews at the moment. You will put all the interview results together
    and by ____ date begin to target individuals for possible roles within the organization. By ____
    date you will get back to the interviewee and determine next steps
  3. Review specific skills that you are seeking at this time and qualities that you think are essential.

  4. Use this opportunity to identify other people. Ask the interviewee if they have other suggestions of likely individuals who might be interested in the organization and have these skills.

  5. Make sure you cover these questions. 
    • Are they interested in working in some capacity with the organization?
    • Would they use their particular expertise on behalf of the organization?
    • Can they commit the time?
    • Do they believe in charter schools and school choice?
    • Are they entrepreneurial? Are they mission aligned?
  6. Close the interview.
    Ask them to take the material and review it. Indicate that you will get back in touch by ____ date (or sooner) to discuss if the match is good, etc.

  7. Review your notes and prepare a recommendation
    Based on the interview, how do you feel about the individual - both objectively and subjectively?
    Would the individual be an asset to the board, to a committee?
    Would the individual work well within the group process?
    Simplify this step by using our sample board candidate evaluation tool.

  8. Select the candidates to nominate.
    Contact those who are nominated to discuss next steps. Those interviewed who are not selected for board positions are invited to serve on a committee or work in some other capacity


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