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Recruiting: In Addition to Skills, What Qualities Should We Look for in Board Candidates?

Each trustee should bring a concrete skill to the board. In addition, the board should discuss what other qualities are needed.

In general, the most successful charter school board members bring these qualities:

  • Support the values, mission, and vision of the organization
  • Lack of personal agenda
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Enjoy group process
  • Think critically and strategically

The Skills section of your Members Report includes a set of Key Qualities that are essential for any board.

Pay attention to these as you think about your current board composition and the ideal candidates you want to recruit. Candidates who have the requisite skills but are lacking in these key qualities will not be successful additions to your board. Make sure to screen for both.

In addition to the key qualities in your report, what other intangible qualities you may want or need on your board?

There might be specific characteristics that a new trustee should bring to help the team function better. Or, you might clarify the characteristics that all trustees should share. For instance: 

  • Are there enough trustees with a good sense of humor on the board?
  • Will the “devil’s advocate” be rotating off at the end of this year?
  • Are there enough entrepreneurial trustees on the board that thrive in startup situations?

These examples can be a good starting place. What are the additional characteristics that new trustees could bring to enhance the functioning of the group?

In addition to these specific qualities that you might want in just one or two trustees, clarify any qualities that you think all trustees should have.


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