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Robert’s Rules of Order or Parliamentary Procedure - It seems kind of complicated, how can we keep it all straight?

Parliamentary procedure, or more specifically “Robert’s Rules of Order” provides excellent guiding principles for running board meetings. But don’t get overly bogged down in the technicalities. Several quick summaries of the most helpful practices are provided in our resources Cheat Sheet for Parliamentary Procedures to help you focus on the most important aspects of parliamentary procedure.

The basis for Parliamentary Procedure or Robert's Rules of Order lies in providing a structured and standardized method for conducting meetings and making decisions in a democratic manner. The rules were developed by Henry Martyn Robert in 1876 to ensure that meetings could be conducted efficiently and fairly, with an emphasis on majority rule while protecting the rights of the minority.

Here are the key principles that form the foundation of Robert's Rules of Order:

1. Majority Rule: Decisions are made based on the will of the majority of the members present, ensuring that the group's collective opinion is respected.

2. Protection of Minority Rights: While the majority's decision prevails, the rules also ensure that the minority has the opportunity to express its views and that their rights are respected.

3. Orderly Conduct of Business: The rules provide a clear process for making motions, debating them, and voting, which helps maintain order and focus during meetings.

4. Equal Opportunity to Participate: All members have the right to participate in discussions and decisions, ensuring that everyone's voice can be heard.

5. Balanced and Fair Debate: The rules promote balanced discussion by allowing for alternating viewpoints and giving everyone a chance to speak.

6. Clarity and Transparency: The procedures outlined in Robert's Rules help ensure that decisions are made transparently and that everyone understands how decisions are reached.

These principles help ensure that meetings are efficient, fair, and democratic, which is why Robert's Rules of Order have been widely adopted by various organizations and assemblies.


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