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Will You Cover Your Board’s Annual Meeting Requirements At Your Retreat?

Most charter schools’ bylaws will specify that you’re required to have an annual meeting. And that’s separate from your retreat. But you can combine the two.

The board’s annual meeting is generally more board housekeeping than strategic governance work.

It’s where you’ll do things like sign board member agreements and confirm your officers and committee chairs for the coming year.

Download our sample board member job descriptions, expectations, and agreements.

Why confirm your officers at your annual meeting?

Some boards still just assume that the board chair will continue on as chair again. They won’t plan to talk about it.

But, you certainly don’t want your busy volunteer board members to feel taken for granted and you want to give others an opportunity to lead. It’s best to be purposeful about nominating and confirming each board leadership role, each year.

And your board’s annual meeting is the place to do that. 

Why sign board member agreements at your annual meeting? 

Board members have two-and three-year terms. Even as a symbolic gesture, it’s a good idea that, on an annual basis, have everybody review your board member agreement and sign it so that they are kind of recommitting and reviewing. 

Your annual meeting doesn’t have to take a ton of time. You might be able to blow through all of this in 30 minutes or an hour. Or, it can be a separate, short meeting, especially if that’s what’s specified in your bylaws.


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