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Webinar: Charter School Governance Amid the Pandemic

In this March 16 webinar, Marci and Mike talked through the questions your board must address at this time -- and fielded questions from hundreds of trustees, CEOs, and staff.

The jobs of leading and governing a charter school are already incredibly challenging.

You've now added keeping your kids and staff safe from the spread of the new coronavirus.

As we've heard from our members, concerns about board operations, open meeting law compliance, and more are making an already difficult situation even more complicated. But they shouldn't.



Skip to the section that's most useful to you right now:


Running Your Board Meetings Amid Changing Regulations

14:00 Being a Strategic vs. Reactive Board: Getting the Right Work Done
18:00 How the Board Can Be an Asset to Your CEO
22:00 Emergency Succession Planning and the CEO's Role 
26:50 What if You're in a CEO Search Right Now?
28:00 Maintaining the Governance-Management Line in a Crises
33:20 Financial Oversight In an Ongoing Crisis
35:00 Communication: Who, What, How
44:00 Q&A: What if we lose some trusees during this? How can we keep our trustees engaged? Can we recruit new people?
47:10 Q&A: What can we expect from our authorizers?
49:40  Q&A: Supporting the CEO's decision-making through the crisis



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