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Training for Your Board on Roles and Responsibilities

Charter school board members have two basic responsibilities. First, they are charged with the overall governance of the organization which includes:

  • Acting as the fiduciary agents to ensure the organization meets the promises laid out in its charter.
  • Ensuring compliance to all applicable laws and regulations at the local, state and federal level.

The second main responsibility of a charter school board is to ensure resources are available to operate the organization in the present as well as the future. Fundraising is the responsibility of the board and they need to understand the strategic goals of the organization and how they can help in generating contributions.

If you don't already have one, you should make it a priority to develop a board orientation and training program to use for new board recruits as well as annual professional development. Here's what you should include:

  • An introduction to the organization, its mission and purpose, and unique programs
  • A concise job description, responsibilities and expectations of what it means to be a trustee on your board
  • Clarification of any time or financial obligations, including serving on a committee
  • Unstructured time to get to know the other board members, in order to build collegiality as a team 

Annual board training is an opportunity to get everyone up to speed on new school initiatives, updated regulations, and a refresher on proper board protocols and behavior.  Having a system in place to train and refresh your board ensures that everyone on the team is operating within the same framework and with the same knowledge so they can be positive contributors to your organization.



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