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Members Report

Get the most out of your Members Report 

The Members Report compiles your board members' skills surveys, demographics and term information in any easy-to-use report. To compile the Members Report you need to have the current board members complete their skills and demographics surveys. To understand how the board's expertise is impacted over time, terms will then need to be entered for all the board members.

If the skills, demographics or terms are incomplete you can either scroll to the bottom for information on the report participants or you can click on the "See what is missing" link to see what needs to be completed.


If you are a BoardOnTrack administrator there will be links for adding board member terms. If you are a board member viewing this page and have not yet completed your skills survey there will be link for you to take it.


Member Report summary

Once the board member terms and skills and demographics surveys have been completed you will be presented with a summary view. The first section shows the "bench strength" of your board in several skills categories. You can view the information by Fiscal Year or a quarterly view of the next 12 months. 

  • Skills Survey Level of Expertise

For each of the skills BoardOnTrack identifies the level of expertise on the board using the following ratings:

             Sufficient Experience

            You have sufficient experience on the board. At least one of your board members has identified themselves as being very experienced in a primary skill in the category and several other board members have some experience.

            Insufficient Experience

            You do not have sufficient experience on the board. You do not have anybody on the board that is very experienced in a primary skill in the category and there isn't minimal additional expertise. 

          Minimal Experience

           There is some experience on the board, but needs to be increased to ensure that the board has the required level of knowledge and understanding in the particular area. 

         Insufficient Data

          You will see this when either the board members have not completed all the skills surveys, or for future/past timeframes Terms have not been added for them.


Demographics survey

          Board members can complete a demographics survey that will ask several questions, including:

          Age: 25 and under, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, 66 plus     

           Gender: Male, Female

           Ethnicity: African American, Asian American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Native American, Other


Summary views of skills and demographics 

 You can see how skills expertise and demographics information for board members will change from one fiscal year to another, or just within the current year, depending on the length of their terms. 


Fiscal year view of skills


Quarterly view of current year skills


Fiscal year view of demographics


Quarterly view of current year demographics


Report Details

To view the details and breakdown of an individual skills category, click on one of the icons you are interested in learning more about the details of.

Within each of the skills categories you can see a breakdown of the number of board members that have identified themselves with the different levels of experience.

Click on the "View People" link or the pie chart to see exactly how people identified their level of expertise.


Download Members Report

You can download the Members Report by clicking on the download button.

The Members Report can be downloaded as either the fiscal year view or quarterly view. Attached are examples of each Report.




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