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Google Calendar

This is the preferred way to integrate BoardOnTrack with your google calendar. 

All you have to do is a one-time authorization to allow BoardOnTrack to keep your primary google calendar up to date with your meetings. BoardOnTrack will do the rest.


  1. From your Profile settings, select Integrations
  2. Click the "Authorize" button to authorize with google


Grant permission

You will be asked to authorize or give permission for BoardOnTrack to access your Google calendar.   BoardOnTrack only accesses your calendar in the following situations:

  • When you respond to a new meeting invite
  • When a meeting you have responded to is modified and saved

BoardOnTrack will never access any of your data that is not related to your BoardOnTrack events.


If you want BoardOnTrack to stop keeping your Google calendar up to date for you, then click the 'Deauthorize' button. 

This will immediately unlink BoardOnTrack from your Google calendar.

You can always use the 'Authorize' button at any time after this to let BoardOnTrack automatically sync your calendar again.


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