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Consent Agenda Items

Would you like to use a consent agenda approach to items that should be approved without discussion?

Typically, consent agenda items are approved with one motion or vote.

Here's how to do so in BoardOnTrack


1. Add a Consent Agenda section to your agenda.

We recommend including a description like this for your Consent Agenda item:

The items below form our consent agenda. The last item in this section is a single vote to approve them en masse.


2. Add each Consent Agenda Item within your Consent Agenda section.

For each Consent Agenda Item, you'll leave the purpose blank. 

The title of each Consent Agenda Item would describe the content.


3. Include your vote, Approve Consent Agenda, as the final item in the section.

We recommend including a description like this for your vote:

This is the vote to approve the consent agenda items 


Below is a sample of a BoardOnTrack agenda that follows these steps.



Keep in mind that any board member can remove something from a consent agenda for any reason (or for no reason) at any time.

If that happens, simply use the reorder function in the minutes to move the consent agenda item out of the consent agenda and into another section. Then record a separate vote for it.


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