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Academic Excellence


[On-Demand] Special Education: Meeting the Most Vulnerable Students' Needs

Featuring Paul O’Neill, founder of the National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools and attorney with Barton Gilman LLP, is one of the nation’s foremost experts on the legal issues impacting education reform. He frequently advises clients on federal and state laws impacting students with disabilities, and serves as Co-founder and Senior Fellow of the National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools.

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[On-Demand] The Board's Role in Remote Learning 

Our April 16, 2020 Continuity Coaching session featured Kim Perron, CEO of SchoolWorks, discussing the board's role in selecting a remote learning plan.

Hear Kim discuss the SchoolWorks rubric for grading an online learning program, learn the smart questions boards should ask, and hear the questions and concerns your peers brought to the coaching session.

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[On-Demand] The Board's Role in Delivering Academic Excellence

Trusteeship is high stakes, high profile, and highly challenging. And completely worth it. Because it matters.

But your trustees aren’t always educators. So what’s the board’s role in ensuring academic excellence?

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How to establish an Academic Excellence Committee, and set the right goals
  • How both educator and non-educator board members can do proper oversight
  • What data you should be looking at, and how often

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