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How to appoint a CEO Evaluation Coordinator

BoardOnTrack's self-guided, annual CEO Evaluation process begins with the first step of determining a CEO Evaluation Coordinator.  

Your CEO Evaluation coordinator will schedule and start the CEO evaluation. That includes inviting the right board members and staff to complete the evaluation survey, as well as the CEO to complete their self-evaluation.

They can make changes to your BoardOnTrack CEO evaluation process timeline as needed. And they'll share the final evaluation report with the board.

After the evaluation has been completed, the CEO Evaluation Coordinator will work with the CEO Support and Evaluation Committee to provide clear and consistent feedback to the CEO on the results of the survey.  

This person should not be the CEO or a senior staff member; instead, the CEO Evaluation Coordinator should be a board member.


Here's how to name or change your CEO Evaluation Coordinator

  1. When you log in, click on Admin to get to your team administration page.

  2. From the Admin page, click Add/remove people or change their permissions.

  3. From your team page, you can select the person who will be your CEO Evaluation Coordinator and ensure they have the proper permissions.

    Click the arrow beside the person's name, then click Edit.
  4. To change a person's permission and make them your CEO Evaluation Coordinator, click Change Permissions.

In the Change Permissions pop-up window, ensure that Evaluation Coordinator is checked. Or, check the box.



That's all! You've successfully named your CEO Evaluation Coordinator.


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