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Frequently Asked Questions About the Personal Appriasal

What is the personal appraisal?

Annually the full board should evaluate how you are doing as a team. The 10 Board Assessments are designed to help you do this.  In addition, annually each individual trustees should reflect on their own personal performance, and the Personal Appraisal is designed to help make this a seamless process.

Who should take the personal appraisal?

Each trustee should complete the personal appraisal.

When should we take the personal appraisal?

It should be taken annually at the same time as the full board is completing the full board assessments.

Ideally, this should be done enough in advance to help inform the renomination of trustees for additional terms.

Who can see my personal appraisal responses?

You can see your results and the Board Chair and Assessment Coordinator also have permissions to see these results. The Board Chair generally will then share the results with the Chair of the Governance Committee.

What should we do with the personal appraisal results?

On an individual basis - you should use the assessment to get an honest snapshot of how you are performing against the typical individual trustee performance expectations for a charter school board member. Use the appraisal to reflect on things you are doing well and areas that you want to improve.

At a Governance Committee Level - the personal appraisal results can serve as a valuable tool for the Governance Committee. Our recommended process is that the chair of the governance committee meets one-on-one with each trustee once a year to discuss their performance. Typically these meetings are done in the spring, prior to the annual meeting. Ideally, the governance committee chair is joined by either the board chair or another member of the governance committee. The CEO should have the chance to weigh in on areas to focus on with these personal meetings, but they should not attend the meetings. These meetings are more effective peer to peer. The personal appraisal gives everyone a starting point to discuss what is going well and areas that need to improve. 



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