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On-Demand Webinar: The State of Charter School Governance: 2021

Experts from Charter School Growth Fund, NACSA, and BoardOnTrack discuss the results of our second-annual Charter School Governance Index

  • Karega Rausch, President and CEO, National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA)
  • Darryl Cobb, President, Charter School Growth Fund
  • Marci Cornell-Feist, Founder and CEO, BoardOnTrack


What's changed in charter school governance amid the pandemic?

Charter schools exist to equitably deliver exceptional academic results for kids. It’s been an incredibly difficult mission to fulfill this year.

Charter school CEOs, boards, and staff, have rallied and struggled and persevered in the face of ever-evolving challenges. And the job was never easy.

This year's second-annual Charter School Governance Index reveals three primary themes in how charter schools are being governed through this unprecedented moment: accountability, partnership, and sustainability.

  • How CEOs, board chairs, and others are prioritizing board goals and accountability
  • How many boards report having met their goals in the past year, and what stood in the way for those who didn't
  • Where CEOs, board chairs, board members, and staff differ on board governance priorities


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