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Managing Your Documents in BoardOnTrack

This video shows you how to navigate the document section in BoardOnTrack.


To go to the Documents section, click on the Documents tab in the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the platform.


BoardOnTrack automatically populates your Documents library with three main folders: Board Documents, Meeting Archives and Public Portal.


The Board Documents folder is where all of your shared board documents should live. This folder gives space to build institutional memory in an easily accessible and organized way. 

The Meeting Archives folder is the place to store all files attached to past meeting agendas and minutes in BoardOnTrack. (If you find you need to add more documents into a past meeting, simply go back to the existing meeting in the Meetings section.)

The Public Portal folder is where you can concentrate all the folders and documents that the public needs to access if you enable them to do so in your settings, which can be done by your Superuser!

How to search for documents

To find a specific document, you can search using the search toolbar here at the top right corner. To ensure you are getting comprehensive search results, be sure to add an asterisk(*) to the keyword.


Organize your Documents the way your team needs

 Easily add folders and subfolders within folders by selecting New Folders.


Enter in the Name of the folder you wish to create and select Save.



To add documents into a folder, you can drag and drop or browse your device for them to open folders.

To open a folder, simply double click or select the folder you want to access and click Open Folder.




You can see when it was last modified and by whom on the right.



If this is a file that you have added, you can click the square icon.




You have the options to Download, Rename, Move the file to another folder or delete entirely.




The BoardOnTrack team is here to help

Lastly, if you ever have any questions while using the system, you can reach out to us through this chat icon here during our office hours or by submitting a help ticket here.

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 1.17.00 PM.png

Now you're ready to organize your board in Documents!


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