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Using the Board Assessment

Most boards think they're pretty good. But, compared to what? How do you know for sure?

BoardOnTrack's evidence-based board assessment tool is the most comprehensive[but simple to use], data-driven assessment of your board's capabilities. 

As the only board asessment tool designed especially for developing boards, it assesses your board's strengths and areas for growth. 

Along with your results, your report provides our expert's recommendations for the actions your board can take to continue to improve its capabilities.

Let's get ready to improve your board!

This quick video will introduce you to the Board Assessment.

There are three easy ways to access the assessment tool:

  1. Click the link in the email notification you receive from BoardOnTrack
  2. In your dashboard, click the alert in the "My action item" section
  3. Click on the Assessments tab in the platform menu.

If you're not quite ready to get started, you can choose to preview the assessment first. Otherwise, just click "Take Assessment" to get started.

The assessment should take about 30 minutes to complete.

Completing your assessment is as easy as checking a box. Just "Yes," "No," or "I don't know." There's no need to overthink each question. Your gut answer is most likely the best!

Your work will automatically be saved as you go. You can safely take a break and come back to where you left off at any time.

Why 11 topics?

Through our work with hundreds of boards nationwide, from founding boards to sustaining boards, we've defined these as the key governance functions vital to success.

As you click through each topic, you'll easily see which topic you're on and how much of the assessment you've completed. 

Getting your results

Once enough members have completed the assessment, your report is generated! And, each person's answers are kept anonymous.

In your results dashboard, you'll see the participation [the percentage of your team who completed the assessment], your Overall Report score [based on a scale of one to five], and a link to view our experts' recommendations for next steps based on your results.

In addition to your board's overall results, you can review your own answers and a personalized report by clicking the links below the "View recommendations" button.

Taking action with the data

As we always say, knowledge + action = results! This assessment provides your board with vital, data-driven knowledge. It's up to you to take the appropriate action to get the results you're after. 

The first step is for your BoardOnTrack Champion to review the results of the assessment with us. We'll help you develop board goals that put your recommendations into action.

And, each member of your governance team -- including the CEO and each trustee -- is encouraged to review your board's results and recommendations, as well.


Pro Tips

View your board's past assessments

In addition to the current assessment, you can see all of your board's past assessments:

See who else has completed the assessment

If you'd like to see who's been invited to take the assessment, and whether or not they've completed it, click on Participants:

Need some help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, we're here to help! You can reach out using the Help icon at the bottom right of your dashboard and start a chat.


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