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February 2022 - Release Notes - Improved Portfolio View, Managing Translated Agendas and Minutes

Improved Portfolio View

If you use a Portfolio View to see the activity of multiple boards in BoardOnTrack, you'll notice three important changes.

First, the column headers are now "sticky," meaning that as you scroll through a large list of boards, the headers will stay at the top of the screen - no more scrolling back to the top to remember what's in each column.  Second, we have simplified the Engagement and Transparency indicators to Green-Yellow-Red which makes the view much easier to read.  Lastly, we have added an optional column to include the BoardOnTrack license level of each board.  Please let us know if you'd like to turn the license level column on for your portfolio.

Publishing Agendas and Minutes in Multiple Languages

Several BoardOnTrack members are required to post their meeting agendas and minutes in multiple languages.  Our February release includes enhancements to make managing your translated documents easier using the BoardOnTrack public portal.  


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